Frigopoint offers customized solutions for OEM | News

Frigopoint offers customized solutions for OEM

Frigopoint company offers development and small-scale production of pressure vessels - refrigerant receivers,  oil separators, liquid separators, oil receivers according individual customer requirements.
The main advantages of cooperation with Frigopoint:
- Design is based on norms and rules operating in the territory of the Russian Federation regulations PB 03-576-03 "Installation and safe operation of vessels working under pressure";
- Set of vessels with individual passports in Russian GOST R52630 "Vessels and welded steel. General specifications" and PB 03-576-03;
- Frigopoint has a complete production cycle of vessels, and Frigopoint is not dependent on the timing of production of other suppliers, so the time of manufacture non-standard products, the same as that of the standard models of vessels.
- Special conditions of storage program Frigopoint.
Favorable conditions of work has already been appreciated by leading manufacturers of refrigeration units for the food industry, commercial cold, air conditioning, as well as for rail transport and the military-industrial complex.